Appendix H — Release notes

v1.1.1 (July 2024)

Minor changes across all sectors (excluding natural systems) by updating GWP values to AR6 (IPCC 2023).

Additional changes

  • Some energy data processing to get back to 2005 in _energy/data-raw/MNWI_2005_CensusCrosswalk_UtilityAllocation.R
  • Text for GWP updated Section A.2
  • Noted differences in LGGIT values Section
  • Re-ran transportation LGGIT comparison values. Minor change in values
  • Test values updated for EPA MOVES and GWP
  • Slight updates to renv package repository locations (RSPM vs. CRAN)
  • Minor text update in transportation section
  • Zotero and gitignore updated as needed

See full changelog in GitHub release v1.1.1

v1.1.0 (June 2024)

NEW SECTOR - Natural systems sequestration and carbon stock (Chapter 13).

Natural systems sequestration and carbon stock at county level, with particular focus on regional parks. Data sources include WorldCover and USGS NLCD. Sequestration rates and carbon stock potential come from various literature as cited. Values are correlated with county area in square kilometers.

Additional changes

  • Increment release version to 1.1.0, increment date
  • Updates R version to 4.4.0 and Quarto version to 1.4.533
  • Update renv packages to follow R 4.4.0
  • New packages FedData, terra, tidyterra, usethis, arcgislayers, dbplyr, and various sub-dependencies
  • Start changelog section in appendix
  • Start folder structure for agriculture sector
  • Various text edits and updates, including references

See full changelog in GitHub release v1.1.0

v1.0.0 (March 2024)

Initial release supporting PCAP. Sections include

  • Stationary energy (electricity, natural gas, propane and kerosene)
  • Transportation (passenger, commercial)
  • Waste and wastewater (solid waste, wastewater)
  • Appendices with utility service area maps, low-income and disadvantaged communities (LIDAC)

See full changelog in GitHub release v1.0.0