Appendix F — List of Figures

Figure Short Caption
Figure 1 County emissions by sector and category
Figure 2 Energy county level emissions
Figure 3 Transportation county level emissions
Figure 4 Waste and wastewater county level emissions
Figure 5 Natural systems county level sequestration
Figure 1.1 Energy county emissions
Figure 1.2 Energy county emissions by category
Figure 1.3 2021 county electricity emissions
Figure 1.4 2021 electricity emissions by sector
Figure 1.5 County population and electricity emissions
Figure 1.6 Metropolitan Council emissions inventory vs. downscaled EIA State Electricity Profiles
Figure 1.7 Metropolitan Council emissions inventory v. NREL SLOPE modeled emissions
Figure 1.8 2021 natural gas emissions
Figure 1.9 2021 natural gas emissions by sector
Figure 1.10 County population and natural gas emissions
Figure 1.11 Metropolitan Council emissions inventory v. NREL SLOPE modeled emissions
Figure 4.1 2021 annual liquid stationary fuel emissions
Figure 6.1 Transportation county emissions
Figure 6.2 2021 annual emissions by vehicle weight
Figure 6.3 County population and transportation emissions
Figure 6.4 County estimated emissions, NEI and calculated
Figure 7.1 StreetLight origin-destination passenger trip length matrix
Figure 7.2 StreetLight passenger trip length distribution widget
Figure 7.3 Avg. trip distance and minimum distance between counties
Figure 7.4 Avg. trip distance, Travel Behavior Inventory and StreetLight
Figure 7.5 Avg. distance for trips within county and county area
Figure 7.6 StreetLight origin-destination medium-duty trip length matrix
Figure 7.7 StreetLight origin-destination heavy-duty trip length matrix
Figure 7.8 StreetLight commercial trip length distribution widget
Figure 7.9 County vehicle miles traveled and StreetLight Volume
Figure 7.10 County vehicle miles traveled
Figure 7.11 StreetLight calibration locations and values
Figure 7.12 Vehicle weight distribution at calibration points
Figure 7.13 MOVES and GHG Emissions Hub per mile emission rates by vehicle weight
Figure 7.14 Regional vehicle fleet model year by fuel type
Figure 7.15 TBI origin-destination trip length matrix
Figure 9.1 Solid waste and wastewater county emissions
Figure 9.2 Solid waste and wastewater county emissions by category
Figure 9.3 2021 wastewater emissions
Figure 9.4 2021 solid waste emissions
Figure 9.5 2021 solid waste emissions by category
Figure 9.6 County population and solid waste emissions
Figure 9.7 Solid waste emissions comparison: Met Council and US GHG Inventory
Figure 9.8 Wastewater emissions comparison by county, EPA-derived Met Council and US GHG Inventory. US inventory consistently higher than Council.
Figure 9.9 Landfill emissions comparison by county, Met Council and US GHG Inventory. Results vary by county.
Figure 10.1 Total waste generated by county
Figure 10.2 Total waste generated by county and county area
Figure 10.3 Total waste generated by county and county population
Figure 10.4 County aggregated wastewater emissions by scope
Figure 10.5 Metropoilitan Council wastewater service area
Figure 10.6 County wastewater emissions by data source
Figure 13.1 European Space Agency WorldCover
Figure 13.2 USGS National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
Figure 13.3 USGS National Land Cover Database (NLCD) - impervious cover
Figure 13.4 2021 county natural system carbon sequestration potential
Figure 13.5 2021 county natural system carbon stock potential
Figure 13.6 2021 carbon stock by county area
Figure 13.7 2021 carbon stock by county area
Figure 13.8 2021 comparison of carbon sequestration per square kilometer in counties and regional parks
Figure 13.9 2021 comparison of carbon stock per square kilometer in counties and regional parks
Figure D.1 Nationwide utility service service territories
Figure D.2 Minnesota utility service service territories in scope
Figure D.3 Wisconsin utility service service territories
Figure D.4 Wisconsin utility service service territories in scope
Figure E.1 Low Income and Disadvantaged Communities (LIDAC) in the Twin Cities’ CPRG Planning Area
Figure E.2 Distribution of inhalable particulate matter ≤ 2.5 µm (PM2.5)
Figure E.3 Distribution of inhalable diesel particulate matter by percentiles
Figure E.4 Distribution of asthma in adults (age 18+) by percentiles
Figure E.5 Impervious surface or cropland coverage
Figure E.6 Land temperature by median household income
Figure E.7 Distribution of housing cost burdened households
Figure E.8 Distribution of energy cost burdened households