Appendix B — Supplementary tables

B.1 Acronyms

Table B.1: Acronyms
Acronym Definition
CAA Clean Air Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CCAP Comprehensive Climate Action Plan
CPRG Climate Pollution Reduction Grant
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GHGRP Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (40 CFR Part 98)
ICR Information Collection Request
METC Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities
NEI EPA’s National Emissions Inventory
OAR EPA Office of Air and Radiation
PCAP Priority Climate Action Plan
PM Project Manager
PO EPA Project Officer for Grant
POP Period of Performance
POR EPA Project Officer’s Representative
PWP Project Work Plan
QA Quality Assurance
QAM Quality Assurance Manager
QAMD Quality Assurance Manager Delegate
QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan
QC Quality Control
QCC Quality Control Coordinator
LGGIT Community - GHG Inventory Tool (provided by the EPA)
TL Task Leader
Btu British thermal unit
Ccf volume of 100 cubic feet (cf)
Mcf volume of 1,000 cubic feet (cf)
MMBtu 1 million British thermal units
Therm One therm equals 100,000 Btu, or 0.10 MMBtu

B.2 Data Quality

Table B.2: Data source quality ranking
Quality Rank Source Type
Highest Federal, state, and local government agencies
Second Consultant reports for state and local government agencies
Third NGO studies; peer-reviewed journal articles; trade journal articles; conference proceedings
Fourth Conference proceedings and other trade literature: non-peer-reviewed
Fifth Individual estimates (e.g., via personal communication with vendors)