4  Electricity

4.1 Introduction

Emissions from the electricity generation sector have declined by 43.9% in the region since 2005, largely as a result of transitions in the grid towards energy sources such as wind and solar (MPCA 2023). In 2023, Minnesota Governor Walz signed a bill mandating a statewide carbon-free electricity standard by 2040. The law “establishes a standard for utilities to supply Minnesota customers with electricity generated or procured from carbon-free resources, beginning at an amount equal to 80% of retail sales for public utility customers in Minnesota in 2030 and increasing every 5 years to reach 100% for all electric utilities by 2040. The bill also requires that, by 2035, an amount equal to at least 55% of an electric utility’s total retail electric sales to customers in Minnesota must be generated or procured from eligible energy technologies.” Wisconsin has not adopted a similar carbon-free electricity standard, but a Wisconsin DNR report noted both the economic gains from such to the renewable energy economy in the state, as well as the opportunities for decarbonization (Holt 2019).

Table 4.1: Grid Mix for MROW subregion of 2021 eGRID
Energy.Source Percentage
Coal 39.6%
Oil 0.2%
Gas 10.6%
Other Fossil 0.10%
Nuclear 8.6%
Hydro 4.4%
Biomass 0.8%
Wind 34.6%
Solar 0.9%
Geothermal 0.0%
Other 0.2%
Unknown/Purchased Fuel N/A

4.1.1 Results

4.1.2 2021 county and subsector breakdown

Figure 4.1: 2021 electricity emissions by sector
Figure 4.2: Baseline electricity emissions
